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What Spring class is responsible for executing schema.sql?

I am making my own ORM and I'm at the point where I need to push the SQL code I've generated from my entity classes to the database. I do not aim to copy how Spring does it but rather see what phase of the lifecycle it runs in and how exactly.


The actual class that read schema.sql and execute it is DataSourceInitializer#createSchema() .

Here are the high level flow which somehow triggers it:

  1. If DataSource class is found from the class-path, spring-boot auto-configuration will enable DataSourceAutoConfiguration
  2. DataSourceAutoConfiguration imports DataSourceInitializationConfiguration
  3. DataSourceInitializationConfiguration registers DataSourceInitializerPostProcessor which will be executed and force initialising DataSourceInitializerInvoker .
  4. DataSourceInitializerInvoker 's afterPropertiesSet will then execute DataSourceInitializer#createSchema() to read and execute schema.sql

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