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Using multiple HAVING clause on SQL statement using JSON_EXTRACT

I am using MYSQL 6.x with JSON functions and have the following query that I am trying to use WHERE or HAVING to limit the recordset - there is a column called properties which is JSON column and I need to perform a search with multiple conditions on this json data

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.identifier') AS identifier,
       JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.workflow_type') AS workflow_type
       FROM workflow_pages HAVING workflow_type;

This returns the following data:-

| identifier | workflow_type |
| 9          | "dictionary"  |
| 13         | "dictionary"  |
| 11         | "dictionary"  |
| 13         | "rule"        |
| 134        | "rule"        |

How do I perform the same query above to only return the rows which have the following conditions identifier IN 13, 134 AND workflow_type = 'rule'

How do I amend my query to do this as it seems MySQL doesn't allow for multiple HAVING conditions

You sure can have multiple conditions in the HAVING clause (as opposed to multiple HAVING clauses):

    JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.identifier') AS identifier,
    JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.workflow_type') AS workflow_type
FROM workflow_pages 
HAVING workflow_type = 'rule' AND identifier IN (13, 134)

But I would not actually recommend phrasing the query this way; you are actually relying on MySQL's extension to the SQL standard which allows aliases in the HAVING clause (and without a GROUP BY ), and it makes the query quite unclear in some regard. I find that it is much better to use a regular WHERE clause and repeat the expressions:

    JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.identifier') AS identifier,
    JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.workflow_type') AS workflow_type
FROM workflow_pages 
    JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.identifier') IN (12, 134)
    JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.workflow_type') = 'rule'

Or if you have a lot of conditions and don't want to do all the typing, you can use a subquery (I would expect MySQL to do predicate pushdown and optimize it for you under the hood):

        JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.identifier') AS identifier,
        JSON_EXTRACT(properties,'$.workflow_type') AS workflow_type
    FROM workflow_pages 
) t
WHERE workflow_type = 'rule' AND identifier IN 13, 134

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