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How can I return only the string value of an object from a MongoDB array

valueOf() returns this:

   { toUser: '5ed9d49c7e516616600eb693' },       
   { toUser: '5ed9d49c7e516616600eb693' },       
   { toUser: '5ed9d49c7e516616600eb693' },       
   { toUser: '5ed9d3897e516616600eb692' }        

I want to return only the value like "5ed9d3897e516616600eb692" or whatever toUser has. How?

This can be done in a couple of different ways, the best of which is using distinct :


Output will be:


You can use reduce and inside callback check if the object has any key using Object.keys and length. If it has k then push the value using Object.values into the accumulator array

 let data = [{}, { toUser: '5ed9d49c7e516616600eb693' }, { toUser: '5ed9d49c7e516616600eb693' }, { toUser: '5ed9d49c7e516616600eb693' }, { toUser: '5ed9d3897e516616600eb692' } ]; let filterdValue = data.reduce((acc, curr) => { const objKey = Object.keys(curr); if (objKey.length > 0) { acc.push(...Object.values(curr)) } return acc; }, []); console.log(filterdValue)

You can use following query to convert object to string

> db.objectidToStringDemo.aggregate([{$project: {toUser: {$toString: "$toUser"}}}]);

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