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How to add another event with a second click and a third click in javascript?

After a few hours of trial and error I put my post here with a question, maybe one of you will be able to help me. I've created a function that is called with the "onclick" attribute after clicking on the button. This function changes font size in selected elements of the page. I would like to add a different percentage, eg 200% at second click on the button. I'd appreciate any help.

JS code:

document.getElementsByClassName("increase-size").addEventListener("click", increasSize);

function increasSize() {
  var x = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, input, a");
  var i;
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    x[i].style.fontSize = "150%";

HTML code:

<button type="button" class="increase-size" onclick="increasSize()"></button>

I tried to solve it with a counter, but I failed.

document.getElementsByClassName("increase-size").addEventListener("click", increaseSize);

var counter = 0;

function increaseSize() {
  counter += 1;
  var x = document.querySelector("html");
  var i;
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    if(counter == 1) {
      x[i].style.fontSize = "150%";
    } else if (counter == 2) {
      x[i].style.fontSize = "200%";

Counter seems like a good option. I found this HTML/Javascript Button Click Counter may be make sure its a global variable and it should work?

make some global variables

fontSizes = ['100%', '150%', '200%'];
selectedFontSizeIndex = 0;

Then in your click function:

function increaseSize() {
  selectedFontSizeIndex = selectedFontSize % fontSizes.length;
  var x = document.querySelector("html");
  var i;
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
      x[i].style.fontSize = fontSizes[selectedFontSizeIndex];

This will continue to loop through your options. Let me know if any of the lines of code need more explanation

Your code has several problems:

  1. increase-size should be the id instead of the class and called as document.getElementById("increase-size") . Otherwise, you can use it as document.getElementsByClassName("increase-size")[0] since it returns a list of elements.
  2. The click function should be passed the function name only, otherwise, it will be called twice:
<button type="button" class="increase-size" onclick="increasSize"></button>
  1. counter should be a global variable and incremented in every call. The way it is used here is set to zero every time the function is used.
  2. You do not need the for loop .
  3. It is a better practice not to have typos in function names: rename it to increaseSize .
  4. You only need to set the listener once, either in the html or JavaScript . It is better to leave the js part.

The final solution is as follows:

 document.getElementById("increase-size").addEventListener("click", increaseSize); let counter = 0; function increaseSize() { console.log(counter); counter++; var x = document.querySelector("html"); if(counter == 1) { x.style.fontSize = "150%"; } else if (counter == 2) { x.style.fontSize = "200%"; } }
 <html> <button type="button" id="increase-size">Increase</button> <h1>Hello</h1> <h2>World</h2> </html>

You can achieve that by make a simple switch using a boolean that will increase and decrease font-size upon clicking the button. Here is how it will work

    var swit=true
      document.getElementById("increase-size").addEventListener(click, ()=>{
  function increasSize() {
  var x = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, input, a");
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
      x[i].style.fontSize = "150%";
  // 200%
  if (!swit){

  var x = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, input, a");
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
      x[i].style.fontSize = "200%";


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