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Extract the last element and add it to the end in list by changing a property value

I have a list like this


int id;
string searchedWord;

If for example, if this result is like this

 {id: 1, searchedWord :"test"}
 {id: 2, searchedWord: "news"}

I am trying to copy the last element in the list and append to the existing list and increment the id number value.

The expected result is

 {id: 1, searchedWord :"test"}
 {id: 2, searchedWord: "news"}
 {id: 3, searchedWord: "news"}

I could do this way

CustomerSearch customerSearch=new CustomerSearch();

List<CustomerSearch> newResult=new List<CustomerSearch>();
foreach(var mycustomerSearch in result)
newResult.Insert(1, customerSearch);

I don't think, this is the optimal way, if there is a better way to do this, please share it, thanks. We can create the expected result as a new list or with that existing list.

Assuming you may modify the original list result :

CustomerSearch customerSearch = new CustomerSearch {
  Id = result.Last().Id + 1,
  SearchedWord = result.Last().SearchedWord


If you may not modify result :

CustomerSearch customerSearch = new CustomerSearch {
  Id = result.Last().Id + 1,
  SearchedWord = result.Last().SearchedWord

List<CustomerSearch> newResult = result.Select(x => x).ToList();


Note that Last() throws an exception if result is null or empty. To protect against this, the above operation should be preceded by a check for those cases:

if (results == null || !results.Any())
  // handle in some way, perhaps by returning.
  • Use Linq Any() to check if result is empty.

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