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How to generate POJO class of JSON response

Hello all i am using PixaBay API to fetch images in my app.I am using url https://pixabay.com/api/?key=My-KEY .I am getting response like below how can I make POJO class from below response.

        "tags":"lein, staudenlein, blue flax",
        "tags":"landscape, fantasy, sky",

Here I only want to fetch preview URL from above response.How can I make POJO class for the same.Someone please help me out any help would be appreciated.


You can use this website to generate pojo classes. Here is the link http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org/

Do something like:

public class Pixabay{
   public int total;
   public int totalHits;
   public List<Hits> hits;

  // inner class Hits with all attributes 
   public class Hits{
    public int id;
    //..... and so on


I hope u get the picture? U have to map them correctly by checking their values.


Your class will be like

data class pixBit(val hints:List<pixBitList>)
data class pixBitList(val previewURL:String)

Map your response to first pojo class and by accessing the hints list from the mapped data you can fetch each previewUrl

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