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How to register multiple queues in NestJs Bull?

I am trying to create multiple queues in NestJs, the documentation says that:

Create multiple queues by passing multiple comma-separated configuration objects to the registerQueue() method.

But this is not working for me, because when I try to do so, VScode suggests me that I should be mentioning Bull option here, after the comma. Below is my configuration for a single queue, how do I register multiple queues?

    imports: [
            name: 'Queue1',
            imports: [ConfigModule],
            useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({
                redis: {
                    host: configService.get('QUEUE_HOST'),
                    port: +configService.get('QUEUE_PORT'),
            inject: [ConfigService],
    controllers: [ScheduleController],
    providers: [MainConsumer], //Service is included here

export class AppModule {}

Both the methods registerQueue and registerQueueAsync receive comma separated values as arguments in the met

As NestJS site states:

Create multiple queues by passing multiple comma-separated configuration objects to the registerQueue() method.

So, basically you have to do the following thing to solve the issue.

 @Module({ imports: [ ConfigModule, BullModule.registerQueueAsync({ name: 'Queue1', imports: [ConfigModule], useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({ redis: { host: configService.get('QUEUE_HOST'), port: +configService.get('QUEUE_PORT'), }, }), inject: [ConfigService], }, { name: 'Queue2', imports: [ConfigModule], useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({ redis: { host: configService.get('QUEUE_HOST'), port: +configService.get('QUEUE_PORT'), }, }), inject: [ConfigService], }), HttpModule, ], controllers: [ScheduleController], providers: [MainConsumer], //Service is included here }) export class AppModule {}

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