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Errror parsing data in python FastAPI

I'm learning to use FastAPI, and I'm getting this error over and over again while implementing a simple API and I've not being able to figure out why

"detail": "There was an error parsing the body"

This happends me on this two endpoints:

Full code: Code Repository


app_v1 = FastAPI(root_path='/v1')

# JWT Token request
async def login_access_token(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    jwt_user_dict = {"username": form_data.username, "password": form_data.password}
    jwt_user = JWTUser(**jwt_user_dict)
    user = authenticate_user(jwt_user)
    if user is None:
        return HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED
    jwt_token = create_jwt_token(user)
    return {"token": jwt_token}




async def update_photo(response: Response, profile_photo: bytes = File(...)):
    response.headers['x-file-size'] = str(len(profile_photo))
    response.set_cookie(key='cookie-api', value="test")
    return {"profile photo size": len(profile_photo)}

request: 在此处输入图像描述

I acomplished to figure out, it was because when FastAPI was installed, it didn't install python-multipart, so with this package missing everything that needs multipart falls

After installing it works fine


The problem with the first request is that you should be sending username and password in a form-data . Instead of x-www-form-urlencoded , use form-data and you should be fine.


I can't see the problem with the second one. Can you try using Swagger interface and see if the same happens there?

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