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Flink streaming table using kafka source and using flink sql to query

I'm trying to read data from kafka topic into DataStream and register DataStream , after that use TableEnvironment.sqlQuery("SQL") to query the data, when TableEnvironment.execute() there is no error and no output.

public static void main(String[] args){
   StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
   StreamTableEnvironment tableEnvironment = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
   FlinkKafkaConsumer<Person> consumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer(
                                                                 new JSONDeserializer(),

  DataStream<Person> stream = env.addSource(consumer).fliter(x -> x.status != -1).assignTimestampAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<Person>(){
      long current = 0L;
      final long expire = 1000L;

      public Watermakr getCurrentWatermark(){
         return new Watermark(current - expire);

      public long extractTimestamp(Person person){
         long timestamp = person.createTime;
         current = Math.max(timestamp,current);
         return timestamp;
  //set createTime as rowtime
  Table res = tableEnvironment.sqlQuery("select TUMBLE_END(createTime,INTERVAL '1' minute) as registTime,sex,count(1) as total from Table_Person group by sex,TUMBLE(createTime,INTERVAL '1' minute)");
  tableEnvironment.toAppendStream(t,Types.Row(new TypeInformation[]{Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP,Types.STRING,Types.LONG})).print();

when i execute,there was nothing print on console or throw any exceptions; but if i use fromCollection() as a source,the program will print something on the console; Can you please guide me to fix this?


  1. flink-streaming-java_2.11 version:1.9.0-csa1.0.0.0;
  2. flink-streaming-scala_2.11 version:1.9.0-csa1.0.0.0;
  3. flink-connector-kafka_2.11 version:1.9.0-csa1.0.0.0;
  4. flink-table-api-java-bridge_2.11 version:1.9.0-csa1.0.0.0;
  5. flink-table-planner_2.11 version:1.9.0-csa1.0.0.0;

In the code where you convert the SQL query's result back to a DataStream, you need to pass res rather than t to toAppendStream . (I can't see how the code you've posted will even compile — where is t declared?) And I think you should be able to do this

Table res = tableEnvironment.sqlQuery("select TUMBLE_END(createTime,INTERVAL '1' minute) as registTime,sex,count(1) as total from Table_Person group by sex,TUMBLE(createTime,INTERVAL '1' minute)");

rather than bothering with the TypeInformation .

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