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Unable To Execute Callback of chrome.storage.local.set In popup.js

I am writing a simple chrome extension that contains an HTML popup ( popup.html ) with an associated popup.js file. When a user clicks a button in popup.js , I would like to retrieve and set a value using chrome.storage.local.get and chrome.storage.local.set . After this process, I would like to notify the user that the update is complete (with some simple jQuery). However, I placed this jQuery update code inside the callback of my chrome.storage.local.set , and when the button is clicked, the dynamic update never occurs, thus, I suspect that the callback never executed. I believe this is so because I placed the notification snippet inside the chrome.storage.local.get callback, and was able to display the proper message:

popup.html :

      <title>Test Extensio</title>
      <script src='jquery.min.js'></script>
      <script src='popup.js'></script>
       <button class='get-notified'>Run Test</button>
       <div class='update-display'></div>

popup.js :

    $('body').on('click', '.get-notified', function(){
       chrome.storage.local.get(['counter'], function(result){
          var new_count = result.counter === undefined ? 1 : parseInt(result.counter)+1
          chrome.storage.local.set({'counter':new_count}, function(){
             $('.update-display').html(`The count is: ${new_count}`)
             //this is never executed

With the code sample above, the counter message is never displayed. However, when I remove chrome.storage.local.set and run the update inside the callback of chrome.storage.local.get , it does work:

chrome.storage.local.get(['counter'], function(result){
    var new_count = result.counter === undefined ? 1 : parseInt(result.counter)+1
    $('.update-display').html(`The count is: ${new_count}`)
    //this works

Why is it that $('.update-display').html(...) works in the first callback, the callback of chrome.storage.local.get , but not the inner callback of chrome.storage.local.set ?

My manifest.json file:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Test extension",
  "description": "A Description coming soon",
  "version": "2.0",
  "browser_action": {
     "default_icon": "/images/icon.png",
     "default_popup": "popup.html"
   "background" : {
     "scripts" : ["jquery.min.js", "popup.js"]
   "permissions": [


   "web_accessible_resources": ["popup.html"],

Does anyone know why this baffling behavior might occur? Thank you very much!

.set doesn't accept a callback , it returns a Promise.

You just need to do:

    $('.update-display').html(`The count is: ${new_count}`)

For those interested, I discovered the problem: I added a window.close() above my chrome.storage.local.get that would inevitably close the popup after the user clicked the button a certain number of times. I simply moved the window.close inside my original callback, and the chrome.storage.local.set worked fine:

/*this did not work
if (somecondition){
chrome.storage.local.get(['counter'], function(result){
   var new_count = result.counter === undefined ? 1 : parseInt(result.counter)+1
    chrome.storage.local.set({'counter':new_count}, function(){
        $('.update-display').html(`The count is: ${new_count}`)
        //this worked
        if (somecondition){

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