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jqplot number of events per hour

I have an array fetched from

<div style='hidden' id=dataHours data-hours='{"08":3,"10":3,"11":1,"12":1,"14":2,"16":2,"18":1}'>

It is converted to json array.

I would like to use jqplot to create an matrix with x-axis as hours an y-axis as number of events.

I currently tries this code:

        var json_data = $('#dataHours').data('hours');
    var dateHoursArray = $.map(json_data, function(value, index) {
                return [[index,value]];

    $.jqplot('maindiv', dateHoursArray, {
        legend: {
            location : 'ne'
        title: 'Tickets created per hour',
        animate: true,
        animateReplot: true,
        axes: {
            xaxis: {
                autoscale: true,
                rendererOptions: {
                tickOptions: {
            yaxis: {
                autoscale: true
        highlighter: {
            sizeAdjust: 7.5
        cursor: {
            show: false
        grid: {
            gridLineColor: '#cccccc',
            background: '#fff',
            borderColor: '#000',
            borderWidth: 2.0,
            shadow: false,

But it does not work as I would like to expect.



Created an array of 24 hours and walked through array to increase counter on matching hour:

Calculate max tickets per hour on 24 hours using tickets within specific period
$date_sums = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; // 24 hours of 0
if(!empty($ticket_array)) {
    foreach ($ticket_array AS $ticket) {
        $hour = date("G", strtotime($ticket["ticket_created_date"]));
        if (!empty($ticket["ticket_created_date"])) {
            $date_sums[$hour] += 1;
        } // end if
    } // end foreach
    foreach ($date_sums AS $sum => $value) {
        $dates_sum[] = $value;
} // end if

Then Javascripted the base64_encoded json_encoded $dates_sum array:

        var json_data = $('#dataHours').data('hours');
    var json_data = JSON.parse(atob(json_data));  //base64 decode and make into javascript object
    var dateHoursArray = [Array.from(json_data)];       

Took me a few trial and errors on the last line of Array.from;)

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