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I cant map array of objects eventhough it's printed in console.log

I'm trying to map an array of objects but it keeps saying that docs are undefined even though I can clearly see it in console.log

This is what I get when I console.log



what I want is in the docs field. If I expand it looks like this


Since I want to print out the content of docs this is what I tried doing

<div className='list-render'>
   {this.props.results.loading ? <LoadingSpinner/> : 
      <div className='row'>
         {(this.props.results.data.docs.map((data) => { // code to print individual fields )}

I get TypeError: this.props.results.data.docs is undefined I'm using mongoose-paginate-v2 library for pagination

You need to check if the docs property is not undefined. You can do that in a couple of ways:

  1. You can use optional chaining to check if the property is not null or undefined . Then your code will look like this this.props.results.data?.docs.map... . Here's how you add it to your react app (but if you are using the latest babel version - it should work out of the box)

  2. You do the check yourself. The most basic one is, as suggested in the comment, is to check if the property is falsy:

this.props.results.data.docs && this.props.results.data.docs.map((data)

The comment is a bit incorrect though, you don't need to check if data is falsy (only if the error is pointing at that), you check if docs is falsy.

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