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Jasper Print creation is very slow

I try to create a Jasper Print with an ResultSet to build an PDF Report with the print. The Problem is, that the creation of the Jasper Print is very slow. The ResultSet is a Table with about 5000 Rows. It takes more than 2 Minutes to create the Print.

I found this Solution: JasperReports fillReport too slow and resource consuming

But it does not work for me. The different is, that i use a dynamic report.

JasperPrint jasperPrint = DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperPrint(dynamicReport, new ClassicLayoutManager(), resultSet);

EDIT: The critical Part is in the fillReport Method in the JRVerticalFiller class.

        if (this.next()) {

        while(this.next()) {


the fillReportContent Method gets called again and again for almost two minutes.

I've never used Jasper Print, but if your goal is to create a PDF file containing all those 5000 results, why don't you create an html file containing all your results inside a <table><tr><td> elements and then use a tool like wkhtmltopdf in order to convert the file from html to pdf?

This way, it will take only a couple of seconds.

You can also specify a header and footer for every page of the pdf file (you can include an image or desired text etc.)

NOTE: wkhtmltopdf is not a java library, it's an executable that runs on most OS's however, you can use java's ProcessBuilder in order to execute it.

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