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Python SQLAlchemy - How to update database using object within model by a method?

I am writing a simple login which has one time passwords using the PyOTP library and SQLalchemy and a class I am using which works fine.

I want to save the current TOTP into the database once validated using this:

session = Session()
self.lastOtp = currentTotp

But it doesn't update the database at all. I think it's because the method doesn't know it's the specific user object I am trying to update but I've tried adding self to various lines to figure it out but cannot. I've the following working:

methodSession = Session()
currentUser = methodSession.query(User).filter_by(emailAddress=self.emailAddress).one()
currentUser.lastOtp = currentTotp
self.lastOtp = currentTotp

But that means another database query and I already have a User object which I can access as self.

This is the full user class

# user class
class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    firstName = Column(String(64))
    lastName = Column(String(64))
    emailAddress = Column(String(128), index=True, unique=True)
    passwordHash = Column(String(128))
    secretKey = Column(BLOB)
    lastOtp = Column(String(128))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<User {}>'.format(self.emailAddress)

    def set_password(self, password):
        # function to set password hash
        self.passwordHash = generate_password_hash(password)

    def check_password(self, password):
        # function to check password returning true or false
        return check_password_hash(self.passwordHash, password)

    def set_secret_key(self):
        # function to set the secure secret key

    def get_secret_key(self):
        # function to return the secure secret key
    def check_secret_key(self, secret_key):
        # function to check the otp returning true or false
        totp = pyotp.TOTP(self.get_secret_key())
        currentTotp = totp.now()
        if self.lastOtp == currentTotp:
            return False
        if totp.verify(secret_key):
            session = Session()
            self.lastOtp = currentTotp
            return True
        return False

Expected behaviour:

session = Session()
myUser = session.query(User).filter_by(emailAddress='john@smith.com').one()
print("Last OTP: ", myUser.lastOtp)
>>> 987568
>>> True
print("Last OTP: ", myUser.lastOtp)
>>> 123456
>>> False

You need to add the object you want to save to the SQLAlchemy session. I do not see in your code where you are doing that. Specifically, here:

if totp.verify(secret_key):
            session = Session()
            self.lastOtp = currentTotp
            return True

you are creating the Session, then commit and close it, without adding an instance of the object you want to save to it. You are missing a session.add(...) call.

If the User instance is already associated with a session, that session may be retrieved using Session.object_session :

def check_secret_key(self, secret_key):
    # function to check the otp returning true or false
    totp = pyotp.TOTP(self.get_secret_key())
    currentTotp = totp.now()
    if self.lastOtp == currentTotp:
        return False
    if totp.verify(secret_key):
        session = Session.object_session(self)
        self.lastOtp = currentTotp
        return True
    return False

Note that committing this session will commit any other changes already associated with it.

Looks like Matei's comment means this is the only solution:

def check_secret_key(self, secret_key):
    # function to check the otp returning true or false
    totp = pyotp.TOTP(self.get_secret_key())
    currentTotp = totp.now()
    if self.lastOtp == currentTotp:
        return False
    if totp.verify(secret_key):
        methodSession = Session()
        currentUser = methodSession.query(User).filter_by(emailAddress=self.emailAddress).one()
        currentUser.lastOtp = currentTotp
        self.lastOtp = currentTotp
        return True
    return False

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