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How to retrieve and display values in GridView from SQL Server database in ASP.NET using C#

I am creating a web application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. I want to retrieve data from a SQL Server database and display it in a GridView in ASP.NET using C#.

I want to retrieve data on button onclick event.

protected void submit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


SqlCommand sq= new SqlCommand("select student_id, student_name from student);

SqlDataReader dr= new SqlDataReader();


// Gridview


Refer for description: Microsoft Visual Studio-how-to-retrieve-and-display-values-from-database-in -ASP.NET-using-C#.

protected void Button1_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e) {

//connection string

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection ("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename='C:\Users\HP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects \assignment\assignment\App_Data\pokedex.mdf';Integrated Security=True; User Instance=True");


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("Select * from pokedex;");

SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter (cmd);

DataTable dt = new DataTable ();


GridView1.DataSource = dt;




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