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Passing json array of array in django to javascript google charts

I have an actuals array of array coming from django queryset as a json. I am having trouble feeding it to the google charts.js Below is the code. views.py

def historicals(request):
    actuals= serializers.serialize("json",Del.objects.all()[1:10])
    json_object = json.loads(actuals)
    for element in json_object:
       print (dt)
       cn = str(cn)     
    print (actuals)
    return render(request,'customer.html',context)

var actuals = "{{ actuals | safe }}";   

will shows the following in page source.

[['001', '5155', '2020-01-14'], ['001', '57.0', '2020-02-13'], ['001', '510', '2020-02-25'], ['001', '5760', '2020-03-23'], ['001', '46.625', '2020-03-30'], ['001', '910', '2020-04-01'], ['001', '435300.0', '2020-03-20']]

console.log(actuals); //Would show the above array of arrays
for (i = 0; i < actuals.length; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < actuals[i].length; j++) {
    var dt = i;
    actual = actuals[i][j]; //tried parseFloat too didnt work 
    console.log(actuals[i][j]); //--> this shows individual characters in the array [ , 0 0 0 0 1

I am trying to iteratively add a row using the data.addRow line. My problem is actuals[i][j] is showing an individual character (this shows individual characters in the array [, 0 0 0 0 1....) in console.log instead of whole string or numbers or dates.

I was expecting the console.log(actuals[i][j]) to show ['001', '5155', '2020-01-14'] in the browser console. Can you help?

actuals[i][j] should show only one value.

If what you need is to pass each instance of the array as an argument to data.addRow you can use forEach, for example

actuals.forEach((entry, index) => data.addRow(index, entry));

If you need to transform the array data before using it in data.addRow() you can do the following

actuals.forEach((entry, index) => {
  const item = [+entry[0], +entry[1], new Date(entry[2])];

  data.addRow(index, item);

The unary + operator will convert the string to number

In the context variable, I removed the quotes and the loop and charts worked very easily after that.

var actuals = {{ actuals | safe }}; 

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