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Unity how to reset score after scene change?

When I get my game over the scene the score still remains when a start a new game:


    public GameObject scoreText;

    public static int theScore;

    void Update()
        scoreText.GetComponent<Text>().text = "Score: " + theScore; 


   public string LevelToLoad;
 public static float timer1 = 30f;
 private Text timerSeconds;

    public GameObject scoreText;

    public static int theScore;

 // Use this for initialization
 void Start () 
  timerSeconds = GetComponent<Text> ();
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update () 
  timer1 -= Time.deltaTime;
  timerSeconds.text = timer1.ToString("f0");
  if (timer1 <= 0) 
        timer1 = 30f;    
        Application.LoadLevel (LevelToLoad); 


How does it in order to reset the score whenever a scene changes?

First of all you need to create an empty GameObject that you call GameManager then you add a Script to it that you call GameManager as well. So that you can acces your Score from everywhere.

public int score = 0;
public static int time = 30;   

#region Singelton
public static GameManager instance;

void Awake()
   if (instance != null)
      Debug.LogWarning("More than one Instance of Inventory found");

   instance = this;

public void GameOver()
   score = 0;
   scoreText.GetComponent<Text>().text = "Score: " + gm.score;

Then you can call theese variables from everywhere and change them as well:

GameManager gm;

void Start()
   gm = GameManager.instance;

void Update()
   if (time >= 0)

You may use the

void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)

method in your gameover scene to reset theScore variable in your GameObject that holds the variable, if the GameOver scene using a GameEngineObject of some kind.

Unity Doc SceneManager

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