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C# Keep Method Executing/Listening to Data without the use of a While(true) loop or Thread.Sleep?

I have been given a snippet of data in documentation I was given to receive data from a device.

The code below will only listen for 5 seconds and then the method would return and the program would terminate.

public void ListenForData()
  DataReader r = new DataReader();

  r.DataRead += delegate (Object sender, DataEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Read: " + e.Data);




I want to keep the method open (so I can continue listening to data) but I'm unsure on the proper way to do this. I've looked at responses like:

    //my code

But I'm not sure that this is the optimal use case. I feel it would hog a lot of CPU and wasn't the true intended way to listen for that data.

So what other options do I have?

I think your DataReader needs to be a field somewhere scoped to the duration of you needing to receive data. Something like this (assuming Windows application):

class MainForm : Form
  DataReader dataReader;
  void listenButton_Click(object s, EventArgs e)
    this.dataReader = new DataReader();
    this.dataReader.DataRead += delegate (Object sender, DataEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Read: " + e.Data);

  void stopButton_Click(object s, EventArgs e)
    this.dataReader = null;

Or console:

static class Program
  static DataReader dataReader;
  static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Push enter to exit");
    Console.ReadLine(); // wait for enter key to exit
  static void StartListen()
    dataReader = new DataReader();
    dataReader.DataRead += delegate (Object sender, DataEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Read: " + e.Data);

  static void StopListen()
    dataReader = null;

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