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Pandas: Create a new column based on values from other columns (Row wise)

I'm looking to create a custom function based off several columns (


'Eligible Household Size', 'income_min1', 'income_max1', 'hh_size2','income_min2', 'income_max2', 'hh_size3', 'income_min3', 'income_max3', 'hh_size4', 'income_min4', 'income_max4', 'hh_size5', 'income_min5', 'income_max5', 'hh_size6', 'income_min6', 'income_max6'`

I'm looking to compare HH Size vs each HH size# variable and TOTAL_HH_INCOME vs every income_min & income_max variable for each row in my dataframe.

I've made this function as an attempt

def eligibility (row):
    if df['HH_SIZE']== df['Eligible Household Size'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] >= df['income_min1'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] <=row['income_max1'] :
        return 'Eligible'
    if df['HH_SIZE']== df['hh_size2'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] >= df['income_min2'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] <=row['income_max2'] :
        return 'Eligible'
    if df['HH_SIZE']== df['hh_size3'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] >= df['income_min3'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] <=row['income_max3'] :
        return 'Eligible'

    if df['HH_SIZE']== df['hh_size4'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] >= df['income_min4'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] <=row['income_max4'] :
        return 'Eligible'

    if df['HH_SIZE']== df['hh_size5'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] >= df['income_min5'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] <=row['income_max5'] :
        return 'Eligible'

    if df['HH_SIZE']== df['hh_size6'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] >= df['income_min6'] & df['TOTAL_HH_INCOME'] <=row['income_max6'] :
        return 'Eligible'
    return 'Ineligible'

As you can see if the row meets a condition I want the row to be labeled as "Eligible" if not it should be labeled 'Ineligible'

I applied this function to my df with

df['Eligibility']= df.apply(eligibility, axis=1)

However, i receive an error:

ValueError: ('The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().', 'occurred at index 0')

Why? Is my function off the mark?


====================== DATAFRAME ===========================


The problem seems to be the comparison operators in the if statements: because you are comparing columns of a data frame, there is not just one True values but there are as many True values as items in a column.

Try using a.all(), if you want all of the elements to be the same. Please refer to the example below:

import pandas as pd
dict1 = {'name1': ['tom', 'pedro'], 'name2': ['tom', 'pedro'],
         'name3': ['tome', 'maria'], 'name4': ['maria', 'marta']}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict1)

# This produce a ValueError as the one you have
# if df1['name1'] == df1['name2']:
#     pass
# To see why this produce an error try printing the following:
print('This is a DataFrame of bool values an can not be handle by an if statement: \n',
      df1['name1'] == df1['name2'])

# This check if all the elements in 'name1' are the same as in 'name2'
if (df1['name1'] == df1['name2']).all():


This is a DataFrame of bool values an can not be handle by an if statement: 
 0    True
 1    True
dtype: bool


You could try this, using df.to_records() :

import re

s=['TOTAL_HH_INCOME','HH_SIZE','Eligible Household Size', 'income_min1', 'income_max1', 'hh_size2','income_min2', 'income_max2', 'hh_size3', 'income_min3', 'income_max3', 'hh_size4', 'income_min4', 'income_max4', 'hh_size5', 'income_min5', 'income_max5', 'hh_size6', 'income_min6', 'income_max6']

def func(row):

    if(any(HHSIZE==row[i+1] for i in indexhhsize))\
    |(any(totalincome>=row[i+1] for i in indexmin))\
    |(any(totalincome<=row[i+1] for i in indexmax)):
        return 'Eligible'
        return 'Ineligible'
df['Eligibility']=[func(row) for row in df.to_records()]

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