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How PyCharm decides what library to install

If you import a python library and if the library is not installed, PyCharm can automatically install the library for a developer (nice.) (this feature possibly available is other IDEs also). My question is more on how PyCharm determines what library needs to install from the import statement. I could not find a reference or explanation of how it is done. We are doing a study on library dependency management and I am asking the question for that purpose.

For example, consider the following import statement:

from wikibot import WikiBot

but the library needed for this import is: my-wiki-bot and one need to issue the following command: pip install my-wiki-bot (so, the name does not exactly match). An explanation (ie, how the decision is made with a link/reference) would be helpful.

PyCharm has python module to pypi package mapping inside.

Previously it was built by installing packages from https://pypi.org and inspecting what modules become available after some package installation.

Nowadays this mapping is being updated manually.

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