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how to find the most frequent in list

I'm a newbie in python, and I need to find the most frequent element in list pdInput and how many elements are the same in the list of mostFreqenNum

    mostFreqenNum = []
    contMostnum = [0]
    ContTraining = int(input('How many time You like to Train you input: '))
        for i in range(ContTraining):
            pdInput = int(
                input('Please input your number whatever you want: '))
            for x in mostFreqenNum:
                coutFreqenNum = contMostnum.count(x)

given a list of values inp , you can find the most common like this:

  1. using collections.Counter

    from collections import Counter

    most_common = Counter(inp).most_common(1)

output is a tuple with (value, count) inside

  1. using sorted

    sorted(inp, key=lambda x: inp.count(x), reverse=True)[0]

output is the most common value in the list

  1. using numpy : # note only works with numeric values


output is the most common value in the list

  1. one more using builtins :

    max(set(inp), key=inp.count)

output is the most common value in the list

  1. another using pandas :

    import pandas as pd


output is the most common value in the list

Why you dont use the built in module from python, statistics. you can use the module like these:

import statistics
### your input code
mode = statistics.mode(mostFreqenNum)

mode() receive parameter list type. Then you can use the count(). Another example, maybe like these:

>>> import statistics
>>> lists = [2,3,2,2,3,4,5]
>>> mode = statistics.mode(lists)
>>> print(mode)
>>> lists.count(2)

I am not sure what you are trying to do exactly, but maybe this could work:

mostFreqenNum = {}
contMostnum = 0
myList = [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 3]

for i in myList:
    if i in mostFreqenNum:
        mostFreqenNum[i] += 1
        mostFreqenNum[i] = 1
for x in mostFreqenNum:
    if mostFreqenNum[x] > contMostnum:
        contMostnum = mostFreqenNum[x]
        mostFreqKey = x

print(f'Most frequent key, {mostFreqKey}, seen {contMostnum} times.')
def Prediction_Model_v3():
alnv3 = [[],[]]
inpv3 = int(input('How many time You like to Train you input V3: '))
for i in range(inpv3):
    pdInpv3 = int(
        input('V3 input number whatever you want: '))
    mdv3 = statistics.mode(alnv3[0])
    if(pdInpv3 == mdv3):
    print('numberInput V3: ', alnv3[0])
print('Most Frequent number V3 is ', str(mdv3), ':', str(len(alnv3[1])))
pdtISv3 = (((inpv3-int(len(alnv3[1])))*100)/inpv3)
print('Result of prediction V3 is: ', str(
    mdv3), '=', str(pdtISv3), '%')
return str(pdtISv3)

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