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Individually print two columns of a table - LINQ C#

I am making my very very first beginner ASP.NET MVC App. I have connected my App with SQL Server and I have also seeded the DB. Now I want to print the information from a single table in SQL Server. Table in SQL Server consists of only 2 columns, but that is not my concern. I want print that data from SQL Server Table into my bootstrap table.

Image 1 shows how I am passing data to the View(). Image 2 shows a bootstrap table. Image 3 show how I want my data to be laid out. As you can see in Image 4 , I can print only one column with Job Card IDs, but I want to print both columns, Job Card IDs and Employee ID and shown in Image 3 .

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

note ~ i have been told to attached screenshots instead of linking them but for some reason it is not working for me or maybe i am just new to this. apologizes for that inconvenience.

You need to use List in your controller and index view.

On your controller it should be something like this

public ActionResult Index()
        var jobCardEmployeeList = new List<JobCardEmployeeViewModel>();
        jobCardEmployeeList.Add(new JobCardEmployeeViewModel
            Employee = new EmployeeModel { ID = 1 },
            JobCard = new JobCardsModel { ID = 2 }
        return View(jobCardEmployeeList);

And on your view page reference the model as a list as well.

@model List<TestModelTransfer.Models.JobCardEmployeeViewModel>

Once you do this you can now reference the model as follows:

    @foreach(var jobCardEmplomodelyee in Model)

If you want to display records of only one sql table then fetch items of that table as a List and pass it to the view, something like this:

        var records = _dbContext.table_name.ToList();

Or you can add a ViewModel of this table and map these table records into it making it a list.


    public ActionResult Index()
        // Get your data of your table from the sql table here
        // I have used a dummy list for demo
        var result = new List<EmployeeTableVM>() {
            new EmployeeTableVM(){
                EmployeeID = 1,
                JobCardID = 011
            new EmployeeTableVM(){
                EmployeeID = 2,
                JobCardID = 012

        return View(result);

Your view will be something like this:

@model IEnumerable<WebApplication2.Controllers.EmployeeTableVM>
<table class="table">
            <th scope="col">JobCard ID</th>
            <th scope="col">Employee ID</th>
        @foreach (var item in Model)

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