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Modify default C++ snippets in VS Code

I would like to modify the default code snippets for C++ in Visual Studio Code. I've found a similar question here , but they actually show how to create your own snippets - and not how to modify the default snippets.

The reason I want to do this is because I'm used to doing some things a bit differently than how they are done in the snippets. For example, this is what appears when I use the if snippet:

if (/* condition */)
    /* code */

And I would like it to be like this:

if(/* condition */){
    /* code */

Is there any way to achieve what I want to do? Thank you.

  1. Press Ctrl +,(opens vs code settings);
  2. Type "snippet" in settings search bar;
  3. In Extentions List choose C/C++
  4. Untick "Suggest Snippets" button;
  5. Close settings tab.
  6. Go to settings again and create new User Snippets as you liked. enter image description here

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