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Cucumber - Java - Non-ASCII characters in an identifier

Hi community: I'm working with Cucumber in another language different than English.

When I generate the Step Definitions it displays a message over the void method

Non-ASCII characters in an identifier 

This is the Step Definition sample.

@Y("^se despliega un menú lateral con diferentes opciones$")
   public void seDespliegaUnMenúLateralConDiferentesOpciones() {}

What should I do in this situation?

This is an inspection generated by IDEA (presumably). It intends to guard against possible complications related to character encoding. However as you are using Cucumber in a language other then English you will be dealing with these anyway. This makes the warning superfluous.

You can turn the warning off by selecting the method name, pressing Alt-Enter and from the menu search for the "Edit Inspection Profile Option".

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