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Regex for allowing alphanumeric, special characters and space

I am searching for a regular expression for allowing alphanumeric characters, special characters (-_'àâçèéêîôùûÀÈÙÇÉ), or spaces in the middle in JavaScript. I tried Googling but wasn't able to find that.

Can anyone help me out with this?

Thanks in advance.

You can try something like this:

([\d\w\-'àâçèéêîôùûÀÈÙÇÉ])([\d\w\-' àâçèéêîôùûÀÈÙÇÉ][\d\w\-'àâçèéêîôùûÀÈÙÇÉ]+)*

Check this expression on https://regexr.com/

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