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Pythonic way to retrieve single level from nested dictionary

I am trying to retrieve a single level from a nested dictionary. So for instance, given the dictionary below, I would expect to see the following results for the first and second level.

nested_dict = {

# level 0

# level 1

I can retrieve the first level using a dict comprehension:

{k:v for (k,v) in nested_dict.items() if type(v) is not dict}
>>> {'foo':'bar'}

Or retrieve a specified level using a recursion:

def get_level(nested_dict, level):
  if level == 0:
    return {k:v for (k,v) in nested_dict.items() if type(v) is not dict}
    this_level = {}
    for (k,v) in nested_dict.items():
      if type(v) is dict:
    return get_level(this_level, level - 1)

get_level(nested_dict, 1)
>>> {'foo':'baz'}

I am now wondering if there is a more Pythonic/clean/out of the box way to retrieve the levels of nested dictionaries (as I already did above), if necessary with help of a package.

As stated in the comments, I'm assuming you don't have duplicates:

nested_dict = {
    'fee': {
        'foo': 'fee'

def get_level(dct, level):
    if level == 0:
        yield from ((k, v) for k, v in dct.items() if not isinstance(v, dict))
        yield from ((kk, vv) for v in dct.values() if isinstance(v, dict) for kk, vv in get_level(v, level-1))

print(dict(get_level(nested_dict, 1)))


{'foo': 'baz', 'foo2': 'baz2'}

print(dict(get_level(nested_dict, 2)))


{'foo': 'fee'}

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