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Qt5: Strange compilation error while using QCommandLineParser class

For my application I had to derive QtCoreApplication and use QCommandLineParser. I declared QCommandLineOptions instances in a separate namespace and wanted to declare the parser in this namepsace as well. However I get an error that I don't quite understand.

    QCommandLineParser parser;
    const QCommandLineOption optA("optA", "defaultOptA");
    parser.addOption(optA); <-- error: unknown type name 'parser'

MyApp::MyApp(int argc, char *argv[])
    :QCoreApplication(argc, argv)
    setApplicationName("My App");

I have also tried declaring a QList<QCommandLineOption> so that I can add the options to it and add it the parser in on go using QCommandLineParser::addOptions , but that does not work either.

    QList<QCommandLineOption> options;
    const QCommandLineOption optA("optA", "defaultOptA");
    options << optA; <-- error: unknown type name 'options'

MyApp::MyApp(int argc, char *argv[])
    :QCoreApplication(argc, argv)


What am I doing wrong in both cases?

You can't have expressions like parser.addOption(optA) or options << optA in a namespace declaration. This is just C++ thing and has nothing to do with Qt. I would suggest you rather put the parser and optA variables in your MyApp class and initialize them in the MyApp constructor

class MyApp : public QCoreApplication

    QCommandLineParser parser;
    const QCommandLineOption optA;

MyApp::MyApp(int argc, char *argv[])
    : QCoreApplication(argc, argv), optA("optA", "defaultOptA")

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