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AWS Cloud9 - no space left on device

Each time I start a new environment, after a few weeks of work I get /home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1/gems/rack-2.2.3/lib/rack/server.rb:433:in `close': No space left on device @ fptr_finalize_flush - /home/ubuntu/environment/corsego/tmp/pids/server.pid (Errno::ENOSPC)

在此处输入图像描述 So I have to regularly create a new working environment.

My stack that I install: t2.micro (1 GiB RAM + 1 vCPU) , Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

How can I just clean up space/unused files?

You can run this script to resize your EBS volume.

I had the same issue. To solve this I delete some files/directories that I no longer needed in Cloud9, then I had the space and I was able to save.

I hope the resizing script commented by @Richard H Boyd solves anyone's problems, but I couldn't configure that script according to my environment parameters.

So I recommend resizing EBS volume manually.

  1. Go to the Cloud9 Environments page.
  2. Select the environment you want to resize and click "View details" button.
  3. EC2 Instance >> Go To Instance
  4. Select the instance and go to the "Storage" tab. And then click the Volume ID.
  5. Select the Volume and click "Actions" button on the top right side. Then select "Modify volume".
  6. Resize the volume as your wish. Then refresh the "Volumes" page.
  7. After you complete modifying process, go to the "Instances" page again and Reboot the instance.
  8. Wait about two minutes and reopen the Cloud9 environment.

After all of these steps, you can use the command below to control:

df -h

This is my output (Because I resized it as 20 GB):

/dev/xvda1       20G  9.5G  9.9G  50% /

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