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Regex matching positive or negative dollar amount or percentage

How might I efficiently use regex to match input that could be a positive or negative dollar amount or percentage.

  • Input could start with optional + or -
  • Followed by optional $
  • Then digits with optional comma as a digit group separator following a digit in the thousands/hundred thousands/millions...
  • Followed by an optional decimal point and one or two digits
  • And finally a possible %, but only if the input doesn't contain a $, and the number is from -100.00 to +100.00

So it would match input like: 12, -60, $25.50, -$1.5, +$25,000, 5.5%, -100%, +100%, 0.01%

And return false with input like: Text, +$10%, -5.001

I've been evaluating them separately with:

function percentValue(input) {
    regex = /^[+-]?\$?(?=.)(\d*|\d{1,3}(,\d{3})*)?(\.\d{1,2})?$/;
    return regex.test(input);

function dollarValue(input) {
    regex = /^[+-]? *100(\.0{0,2})? *%?$|^[+-]? *\d{1,2}(\.\d{1,2})? *%?$/;
    return regex.test(input);


percentValue('5.5%');  // True
percentValue('-100%'); // True
percentValue('+.01%'); // True
percentValue('0.001'); // False
percentValue('101%');  // False
percentValue('$100%'); // False

dollarValue('+$12');    // True
dollarValue('-$60.5');  // True
dollarValue('$25,000'); // True
dollarValue('-$5.001'); // False
dollarValue('1,00.25'); // False
dollarValue('$text');   // False

I've been unsuccessful trying to combine them into one. Should I be using another lookahead for the percentage?

 var test = [ '12', '-60', '$25.50', '-$1.5', '+$25,000', '5.5%', '-100%', '+100%', '0.01%', 'Text', '+$10%', '-5.001', ]; console.log(test.map(function (a) { return a+':'+/^[+-]?(?:\$?\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})*(?:\.\d\d?)?|(?:100|\d\d?)(?:\.\d\d?)?%)$/.test(a); }));

Demo & explanation

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