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Quartz.Net Scheduler not working in Azure

So I have created a SimpleSchedular using Quartz.Net in C# as below -

I have created this inside WebApi project.

// Grab the Scheduler instance from the Factory
 NameValueCollection props = new NameValueCollection
     { "quartz.serializer.type", "binary" }
 StdSchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(props);
 IScheduler scheduler = await factory.GetScheduler();

 // and start it off
 await scheduler.Start();

 // define the job and tie it to our HelloJob class
 IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<IDGJob>()
     .WithIdentity("job1", "group1")

ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
    .WithIdentity("trigger1", "group1")
    .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInMinutes(5).RepeatForever())

 // Tell quartz to schedule the job using our trigger
 await scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

This worked like a charm in localhost BUT once I deployed it to Azure it did not do anything.

So I did some googling and found that Azure works on Eastern Standard Time -

var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
var cronScheduleBuilder = CronScheduleBuilder.DailyAtHourAndMinute(19, 10)

and changed the Scheduler as -

 ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()

I also tried UTC format as well.

BUT still nothing is working.

I even used RoleEntryPoint class but result again the same.

Does this Quartz really works on Azure or am i missing anything.

It works, but there's a high chance your web app is going offline. Make sure you're with always on enabled:


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