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How to stop subscription by using multiple conditions with takeUntil

I wanna stop a observable subscription based on two conditions:

  • Time (using import { timer } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/timer'; )


  • Execution status (using the returned object from request that you'll see below)

What is happenning:

It's only stoping execution based on Time (using import { timer } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/timer'; )

This is my current code:

The names of attributes, variables and their values have been changed for example purposes:

import { finalize } from 'rxjs/internal/operators/finalize';
import { interval } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/interval';
import { timer } from 'rxjs/internal/observable/timer';
import { takeUntil, first } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { merge, EMPTY, of } from 'rxjs';

. // Attributes and Class declaration here

async startProcess(): Promise<void> {

    this.isProcessLoading = true;

    const { someId } = await this.exampleService.execute().toPromise();

    const interval$ = interval(1000);
    const timeLimiter$ = timer(10000);

    const request$ = this.exampleService.doRequest();
    const isEventFinished$ = EMPTY;

    // My goal here is for the result of this function to return an observable that notifies 
    // if the first parameter emits an event OR if the second parameter emits another. That is, I want to notify if any condition is valid
    const stopConditions$ = merge(isEventFinished$, timeLimiter$);

    const handleSuccess = (object: MyType) => {

      if (object.status === 'FINALIZED') {

        this.object = object;

    const handleError = () =>  this.showErrorComponent = true;

    .pipe(finalize(() => this.isSimulationLoading = false))
    .subscribe(() => request$.subscribe(handleSuccess, handleError));

The code "works" because the timeLimiter$ fires takeUntil after 10s. However, I want the possibility to stop before the time limit...

I want takeUntil to be able to run from here too:


if the above snippet performed correctly, it should be stop the interval$, but it does not. That is my problem

What i already tried:

  1. I dont know if two pipes made any difference than use only one like this: .pipe(takeUntil(stopConditions$), finalize(() => this.isSimulationLoading = false)) . However, i already tried it and did not work

  2. Already tried to replace this isEventFinished$ for: const isEventFinished$ = of(1) and his subscription by: timeLimiter$.pipe(first()).subscribe() . But this does not works either. In reality, this prevents the request from being executed (I don't know why)

I just tried this code with a Stackblitz and it "worked"... but I'm not sure what, exactly, you are trying to do? I then made a few updates to better see what was going on.

See the Stackblitz here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-takeuntil-deborahk

The key change:

const stopConditions$ = merge(this.isEventFinished$, timeLimiter$).pipe(
  tap(s => console.log("stop", s))

  next: handleSuccess,
  error: handleError,
  complete: () => {
    this.isSimulationLoading = false;
    console.log("isSimulationLoading", this.isSimulationLoading)

Does that help?

EDIT: I added a "Finished" button to emulate whatever action would cause the finish operation.

Define isEventFinished as an Observable by declaring it as a Subject or BehaviorSubject (BehaviorSubject has a default value, Subject does not).

  isEventFinished$ = new Subject<boolean>();

Then, whenever the finished event occurs, use the next method to emit a value into the isEventFinished stream.


Then this code should work:

const stopConditions$ = merge(this.isEventFinished$, timeLimiter$).pipe(
  tap(s => console.log("stop", s))

  next: handleSuccess,
  error: handleError,
  complete: () => {
    this.isSimulationLoading = false;
    console.log("isSimulationLoading", this.isSimulationLoading);

See the updated blitz.

Does that work?

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