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Is it possible to specify a default value for all parameters simultaneously in a function?

If I have a function like this:

def foo(a="this", b="this", c="this")

Is there some option to set a default value for all of them at the same time? Something like:

def foo(DEFAULT="this", a, b, c)

Metaprogramming Local Variables

If you're trying to create positional method-local variables that can be overridden, you can use a bit of metaprogramming using the current Binding . For example:

def foo a=nil, b=nil, c=nil
  %i[a b c].map do |v|
    binding.local_variable_get(v) ||
    binding.local_variable_set(v, "this")
  [a, b, c]

This will do what you seem to want. For example:

foo 1
#=> [1, "this", "this"]

foo 1, 2
#=> [1, 2, "this"]

Other Approaches

Other approaches may include the deprecated use of options hashes with:

  • an options hash using Hash.new("this") in the method signature
  • a Hash#default= defined inside the body of the method
  • the use of Hash#fetch to return a default value when reading your options hash

If your goal is just to DRY up your code, it may be better to consider keyword arguments (eg def foo **kwargs ) rather than positional arguments, but your mileage may vary.

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