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'NoneType' object is not subscriptable. Where is the error? Used Django App with Pipeline

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable if request['user_type']=='driver' and not Driver.objects.filter(user_id = user.id): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable ```
def create_user_by_type(backend , user , request, response , *args, **kwargs):
    if backend.name == 'facebook':
        avatar = 'http://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=large' % response['id']
    if request['user_type'] == 'driver' and not Driver.objects.filter(user_id = user.id):
    elif not Customer.objects.filter(user_id=user.id):
        Customer.objects.create(user_id=user.id, avatar=avatar)

The error is most likely in request ['user_type'] == 'driver' as it works if I remove this from the code.

I am sending the request from POSTMAN


I check by parameter user_type

Used Pipeline from https://python-social-auth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pipeline.html

If everything is correct, where can there be a mistake?

update create_user_by_type :

def create_user_by_type(backend, user, response, *args, **kwargs):
    request = backend.strategy.request_data()

    if backend.name == 'facebook':
        avatar = 'http://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=large' % response['id']
    if request['user_type'] == 'driver' and not Driver.objects.filter(user_id = user.id):
    elif not Customer.objects.filter(user_id=user.id):
        Customer.objects.create(user_id=user.id, avatar=avatar)

The problem must lie in the object stored in variable request .

You get the value for request in a function which should return a complex object, which is subscriptable and has a field called 'user type' . Obviously, it did not return this object but just returned None , probably because of an i/o-error or an invalid argument.

Whatever function you use to get the request, I suggest checking, whether it works and what exactly it returns.

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