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Can't find command installed from 'go get github.com/…'

I'm having trouble figuring out how to install the gen-bundle commands from this library: https://github.com/WICG/webpackage/tree/master/go/bundle

I've already checked that I installed the go library correctly, and have it in my environment variable. But it still says 'command not found' when I try to run 'gen-bundle' in my bash terminal.

Will someone please explain what I am missing? Thanks!

Check the variables set using the command go env . It'll have a similar output like this:

// More vars

If you've used go install for installation as go install github.com/... builds the binaries and keeps them in a defined path. You'll find your executables in:




If you've found your desired path, then you can append that path to PATH env. For example:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"

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