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Replace regular expression groups JAVA

I'm trying to do a group replacement, I don't know if it's possible to do with just one expression


String line = "[[A, _, _, _, A], [_, A, _, A, _]]";

Expected text

String line = "A _ _ _ A\n_ A _ A _";

Regex : ([[)(,)(],)(]])

Test #1 String finalLine = line.replaceAll("(\\[\\[)(,)(],)(]])", "$1,$2,$3\n,$4");

Test #2 String finalLine = line.replaceAll("(\\[\\[)(,)(],)(]])", ",,\n,"):

Test #3 String finalLine = line..replace ( "]", "]\n" ).replace ( "[[", " " ).replaceAll ( "(])|(,)|(\\[)", "" );

Try this:

line = line.replaceAll("],", "\n").replaceAll(",", " ").replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", "");

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