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Laravel Eloquent - Unable to fetch columns using array

I am using laravel eloquent to fetch the data from multiple columns. I am using array to fetch the data from multiple columns. For simplicity, I am showing the data from two columns.

Here is my database table which has callee_number and caller_number :


Here is my code where I am using array for fetching the columns:

    $paramArray = $params->all();

    $Caller_number = "";
    $Callee_number = "";

    if (isset($paramArray['Caller_number']) && $paramArray['Caller_number'] != '') {
        $Caller_number = $params->input('Caller_number');
    if (isset($paramArray['Callee_number']) && $paramArray['Callee_number'] != '') {
        $Callee_number = $params->input('Callee_number');

        $querypart[] = "caller_number=$Caller_number";
        $querypart[] = "callee_number=$Callee_number";

    $FinalQueryPart = '';
    if (!empty($querypart)) {
        $Seprator = "";
        foreach ($querypart as $querypartValue) {
            $FinalQueryPart .= $Seprator . $querypartValue;
            $Seprator = " AND ";

    $FinalQueryPart = trim($FinalQueryPart); //Output: "caller_number=783 AND callee_number=77"

However I get the error after I run the following code after above code:

    $gets = Tbcdrnew::where(function ($query) use ($FinalQueryPart) {

The error is as follows:

Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'caller_number=783 AND callee_number=77' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `cdrnew` where (`caller_number=783 AND callee_number=77` is null) group by `uniqueid`

Not getting what is wrong in my code. Can anybody correct me?

I think you commited a mistake in the query. Replace the following lines by those ones:

    $querypart[] = "caller_number = '$Caller_number'";
    $querypart[] = "callee_number = '$Callee_number'";

(Note the single quotes on the $Caller_number & $Callee_number ).

Also, using the whereRaw() method instead of where() as it is suggested in a response comment.

I'm adding an answer suggesting a method to simplify your code by eliminating all the if conditions using Laravel collection methods.

$query = Tbcdrnew::query();                           //start a query string based on Tbcdrnew model OR you could do DB::table('cdrnew');
collect($paramArray)->filter(function($value, $key){  //convert paramArray into a collection
    return $value != '';                              //filter all null and empty values
})->each(function($value, $key) use ($query){         //iterate through all filtered values
    $query->where(strtolower($key), $value);          //assuming array key is always column key in lowercase
$result = $query->groupBy('uniqueid')->orderBy('start_date','desc')->get();

I'm not sure if $query->MIN you have in your original query is a valid query builder function.

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