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Dynamically set a struct field to a slice value using reflect

I have the following code snippet that after going some reflection, it sets a struct's field to a string value

                switch fType := v.(type) {
                case MyCompositeFlagString:
                    s, ok := userInput.(string)
                    if !ok {
                        log.Printf("Erroneous input type:%T and input value: %v\n", userInput, userInput)
                        return ErrUnexpectedInput
                    valueField := values.Elem().Field(i).FieldByName("MyFlagString").FieldByName("Value")

I don't see any SetSlice method in reflect package.

How can I perform the above operation when the valueField is of type []string ?

Value.SetString() is a convenience method for setting string values. There isn't a separate method for all types for obvious reasons, but there is a "generic" Value.Set() method, you may use that. You just have to obtain a reflect.Value from the value you want to set:

var someSlice ...

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