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std::basic_string as a parameter of a function template cannot be deduced from const char*

Why does putting std::basic_string as a parameter of a function template will fail to deduce from const char* , but it can be deduced successfully when it is constructed directly?

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
template<class Char/*, class Traits, class Allocator*/>   
                      //^doesn't matter whether the second and third template parameter is specified
void printString(std::basic_string<Char/*, Traits, Allocator*/> s)
    std::cout << s;
int main()
    printString("hello");    //nope
    std::basic_string s{ "hello" };//works

I found a relevant post here , but the answers didn't explain the reason behind

Because implicit conversion (from const char* to std::basic_string<char> ) is not considered in template argument deduction , which fails in deducing the template parameter Char .

Type deduction does not consider implicit conversions (other than type adjustments listed above): that's the job for overload resolution , which happens later.

You can specify the template argument explicitly,


Or pass an std::basic_string explicitly.


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