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How do I handle results from Control.EvaluateJavascript in xamarin?

I know how to call js-functions with the Android.Webkit as long as I dont have to handle a return-value:

 Control.EvaluateJavascript("removeAllPins()", null);

But I dont know how to call a function that returns a function? The function takes an object of IValueCallback as a paramter but I can't create an instance of it because it's an interface and not a class.
How do I get the result of a js-function thats called in Android with EvaluateJavascript?

You could do in your webview renderer like below,refer to this :

Control.EvaluateJavascript("javascript: removeAllPins();", new EvaluateBack());

class EvaluateBack : Java.Lang.Object,IValueCallback

      public void OnReceiveValue(Object value)

        Toast.MakeText(Android.App.Application.Context, value.ToString(), ToastLength.Short).Show();// you will get the value you want to return.


Control.EvaluateJavascript("removeAllPins()", null, new gitGud());

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