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How do I seperate street names and house numbers with PHP?

In Germany we have street names and house numbers. I work with a database where both is stored in a single column (for example "Arnoldstraße 12") and I want to seperate both into single variables.

I have this code:

$street= $row[2]; //This row is from an array with values of the database. The other rows are submitted perfectly.
preg_match('/([^\d]+)(\d+.*)/', $street, $matches);
$street_new = trim($matches[1]);
$house_number= trim($matches[2]);  

while ($row = $jobDB->fetchArray($result)) {
        $this->setReturnValue('strasse', $street_new);
        $this->setReturnValue('hausnummer', $house_number);

After that, I use a JS-Code to get that (and more values) into a form on a website. The other values get there without problems, just the street name and the house number are missing.

Here's the JS-code:

var auto_complete = function() { 
    var kontonr = jr_get_value('tb_kundennummer');
    jr_execute_dialog_function('autoComplete', {kontonummer: kontonr}, mySuccessCallback);    

var mySuccessCallback = function(returnObject) {
    jr_set_value('tb_kunde_strasse', returnObject.result.street_new); 
    jr_set_value('tb_kunde_hausnummer', returnObject.result.house_number);

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance: :)

Ok I found a solution. After adding the code into the while-loop it worked perfectly:

      while ($row = $jobDB->fetchArray($result)) {            
          $street= $row[2];
          preg_match('/([^\d]+)(\d+.*)/', $street, $matches); 
          $street= trim($matches[1]);
          $house_number= trim($matches[2]);
          $this->setReturnValue('strasse', $street);
          $this->setReturnValue('hausnummer', $house_number);


I'm not much of a developer, but maybe it was because the $row only works if called after the fetchArray. But I'm not sure.

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