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Is possible write in xls file and open the file when executed using plsql developer?

I have a procedure to write a report in Xls file using utl_file .

This procedure works correctly but my question is: is it possible to open this file directly in Excel after executed? I ask it because, when it's executing now, I must open the folder path then open Xls file.

My Edit Code:

  create or replace procedure write_file_daily(emp_id in number,Start_date in  date,End_date in date, Job_Name in varchar2 ) is
 file_handle UTL_FILE.file_type;
  file_handle := utl_file.fopen('CSV_DIR', 'REP.xls', 'W');
  utl_file.put_line(file_handle, 'id'||   CHR(9) || 'name' ||   CHR(9) || 'department' ||   CHR(9) || 'unit' || CHR(9) || 'position' ||   CHR(9) || 'job' 
  for rws in (
    select ID,
  from (select t.ID1  as ID,
               t.NAME as Name,
               (select d.divname from compdivs d where d.divid = t.COMP_id2) as DEPARTMENT, 
               decode((select d.parent1name from compdivs d where d.divid = t.COMP),
                       (select d.divname from compdivs d where d.divid = t.COMP),
                       (select d.parent1name from compdivs d where d.divid = t.COMP)) as UNIT,
               (select d.dname from const_dt d where d.mid = 3 and d.no = t.WORKK) as Position,
               (select d.dname from const_dt d where d.mid = 8 and d.no = t.EDUCATION_ID) as Job,
          from    th1 t  
 WHERE ( ID = emp_id or  emp_id = -1)
  and (Day_date  between    Start_date   and   End_date    )
   and( NVL(lower(JOB),' ') like NVL(lower('%'||  Job_Name ||'%'),NVL(lower(JOB),' ')))  

    utl_file.put_line(file_handle,  rws.id ||   CHR(9) || rws.name ||   CHR(9)  || rws.department ||   CHR(9) || rws.unit ||   CHR(9) || rws.position ||   CHR(9) || rws.job  
  end loop;
end write_file_daily;

Looks to me you want a feature of launching external program (MS Excel in your case) from within PLSQL Developer, triggered by SQL/PLSQL script execution, ideally with script result as input parameter. I can imagine it would be cool and did some exploration this way in the past, though, unfortunately PLSQL Developer seems not to provide any such feature.

(Note I mean client machine, not db server. At db server side, there are some ways to invoke operating system command but I expect it does not apply to your case because your db server is probably different from your client machine.)

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