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How to link against Vulkan with MinGW and QMake?

I tried to link against Vulkan with:

LIBS += -L$$(VK_SDK_PATH)/Bin -lvulkan-1 # Doesn't work at all
LIBS += -L$$(VK_SDK_PATH)/Lib -lvulkan-1 # Works with MSVC

But I couldn't get it linking with MinGW.


  • VulkanSDK (
  • Qt (5.15.0; MSYS2)
  • MinGW (10.2.0; MSYS2)

I installed the Vulkan Runtime and retried

LIBS += -L$$(VK_SDK_PATH)/Lib -lvulkan-1

with MinGW again and it works. Nevertheless, thank you for helping me out.

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