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How to print an index of element in a list - python

#Program that will load 2 arrays. ELements of the first array are coordinates X. and#the elements of the second array are coordinates Y of a point on a plane.# find the point and print the index of coordinates of the point which is the closest to the#starting point, coordinate 0,0.

import math

i = 0
X = [3,32,15,43,5,22,90,1]
Y = [3,32,15,43,5,22,90,1]
min = math.sqrt(X[0])**2 + math.sqrt(Y[0])**2
while i < len(X):
    U = math.sqrt(X[i])**2 + math.sqrt(Y[i])**2
    if U < min:
        min = U
        min = min
    i = i + 1

mindex = X.index(min)


so basically the coordinates should be 1,1 since that is the shortest distance from the nul-point with the distance D = 2.But how do I also print the index of that element 1. With the index being 7

Edit: in python

Here you go:

import math

X = [3, 32, 15, 43, 5, 22, 90, 1]
Y = [3, 32, 15, 43, 5, 22, 90, 1]

# calculate distances using list comprehension
distances = [math.sqrt(x) ** 2 + math.sqrt(y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(X, Y)]

# find minimal distance
min_distance = min(distances)

# find index of minimal index
min_distance_index = distances.index(min_distance)
print(min_distance, min_distance_index)  # Output: 2.0 7

Just a heads up, you got the wrong formula for euclidean distance. Your formula comes down to x + y if they're both positive, otherwise you get an error. The actual formula is math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)

From the phrasing of your question it sounds like you only want to print the index, in which case the following is enough

import math

X = [3,32,15,43,5,22,90,1]
Y = [3,32,15,43,5,22,90,1]

min_index = min(range(len(X)), key=lambda i: math.sqrt(X[i] ** 2 + Y[i] ** 2))

Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

>>> min(range(len(X)), key=lambda i: X[i] + Y[i])

(No idea what you think squaring square roots achieves, so I removed that.)

check this:

import math

i = 0
X = [3,32,15,43,5,22,90,1]
Y = [3,32,15,43,5,22,90,1]
min = math.sqrt(X[0])**2 + math.sqrt(Y[0])**2
idx = 0
while i < len(X):
    U = math.sqrt(X[i])**2 + math.sqrt(Y[i])**2
    if U < min:
        min = U
        idx = i
    i = i + 1


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