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How to make vim detect <C-LeftMouse> with konsole terminal?

With gvim, I can map <C-LeftMouse> , but I can't with vim running inside a terminal emulator (konsole in my case).

I have reasons to think it's because the sequence Ctrl + CLICK is not sent/detected:

in insert mode, typing Ctrl + V , Ctrl + CLICK prints "" with gvim, but only "" with konsole.

how to make vim / neovim to recognize this (useful) combination?

EDIT Note that I already set mouse=a in vim

in the terminal you have to enable the mouse:

set mouse=a

map <C-LeftMouse> :echo 'Hello Left'<CR>
map <C-RightMouse> :echo 'Hello Right'<CR>

see :help mouse

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