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pageup and pagedown does not work in vim using konsole

I have just recently moved to SLES12 from SLES11

Using vim in SLES11 pageup and page down worked perfectly while SLES12 it is not. (in gvim - it does work)

I am trying several solutions written in others threads like without success:(

map <CTRL-V><CTRL-PAGEUP> :tabp<CR>

map <C-PageUp> :echo "hello"<CR>

map ^[[5^ :echo "hello"<CR>

I think it might related to the fact of the bindkeys of the terminals as one of the threads mention- but I do not find which one is related to pageup/down.

any clue?

This is a problem with the way your terminal is set up. As you have stated you are using Konsole, you can check the settings by right clicking on an open terminal window and selecting Edit Current Profile :


That should open up another window like:


On this screen select the keyboard option on the left and check your keyboards. For a quick win you can try changing the keybinding or reset to default. If that isn't enough you will need to go into the keybinding and ensure the PgUp is producing the expected code: ^[[5~ . Doing so should be fairly straightforward.

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