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python 3 remove all new lines marks from string

I wrote this code to remove all new lines from a string' yet it prints the value with \n I still get this output: 4762-9539\n' how can I remove all the \n from this string?


import os
import subprocess

bash_command_lsbk = 'lsblk /dev/sdb1 > /home/user/Downloads/usb_id'
file_path = '/home/user/Downloads/ddd'
usb_id = '/home/user/Downloads/usb_id'
read_permission = 'r'
write_permission = 'w'

def print_usb_id():
    url = os.system(bash_command_lsbk)
    line = str(subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', usb_id])).split('/')[-1]
    x = open(file_path, write_permission)

def read():
    with open(file_path, 'r') as new_file_format:
        for new_line in new_file_format:
            new_line = new_line.rstrip('\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

You didn't convert the byte string to a string correctly. That's why you got additional characters into your string. Instead of

str(subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', usb_id]))

you should write

subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', usb_id]).decode('utf-8')

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