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How to solve TF_E_NOLOCK:The cookie in ec is invalid

I'm developing a TSF Text Services. It depend on TSF-TypeLib. Here is a part of the code of my project:

    public class EditSession:BaseObject, ITfEditSession
        public uint EditCookie;
        public HRESULT DoEditSession(uint ec)
            EditCookie = ec;
            return S_OK();

    public class KeyEventSink : BaseObject, ITfKeyEventSink
        private uint _clientId;
        private ITfThreadMgr _threadMgr;

        public KeyEventSink(uint clientId,ITfThreadMgr threadMgr)
            _clientId = clientId;
            _threadMgr = threadMgr;
        static extern uint MapVirtualKey(uint uCode, uint uMapType);
        public HRESULT OnTestKeyDown(ITfContext pic, UIntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, out bool pfEaten)
            var res = _threadMgr.GetFocus(out var documentMgr);
            res = documentMgr.GetTop(out var context);
            char nonVirtualKey = (char)MapVirtualKey(wParam.ToUInt32(), 2);
            if (nonVirtualKey == 'F')
                var editSession = new EditSession();
                res = context.RequestEditSession(_clientId, editSession,TF_ES.TF_ES_READWRITE, out var phrSession);
                var phrSeesionHRESULT = new HRESULT { Code = phrSession };
                if (phrSeesionHRESULT)

                    var e = editSession.EditCookie;
                    res = context.GetStart(e, out var range); //A error occured 
                    var charArray = "་".ToCharArray();
                    res = range.SetText(e, 0, charArray, charArray.Length);
                    pfEaten = res;
                    return res;

            pfEaten = false;
            return S_OK();
    // Other function

The error occured in the line that "res = context.GetStart(e, out var range); ".

TF_E_NOLOCK:The cookie in ec is invalid.

How to solove this problem?

EditSession Cookie only available in the function DoEditSession. Out the scope of this function cookie is out of date.

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