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AWS DMS with AWS MSK(Kafka) CDC transactional changes

I'm going to use AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) with AWS MSK(Kafka).

I'd like to send all changes within the same transaction into the same partition of Kafka topic - in order to guarantee correct message order(reference integrity)

For this purpose I'm going to enable the following property:

IncludeTransactionDetails – Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for transaction_id, previous_transaction_id, and transaction_record_id (the record offset within a transaction). The default is false. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Target.Kafka.html

Also, as I may see from the same documentation:

AWS DMS supports the following two forms for partition keys:

1. SchemaName.TableName: A combination of the schema and table name.

2. ${AttributeName}: The value of one of the fields in the JSON, or the primary key of the table in the source database.

I have a question - in case of 'IncludeTransactionDetails = true', will I be able to use 'transaction_id' from event JSON as partition key for MSK(Kafka) migration topic?

The documentation says, you can define partition key to group the data "You also define a partition key for each table, which Apache Kafka uses to group the data into its partitions"

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