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Dependency Injection containers - how do I get a specific instance of an object?

For example, I have a Repository class for getting data from a database, and there are several service classes, let's say Service1, Service2, Service3.

I will have multiple Repository instances, for example, for two or three databases. And, you should be able to configure services to work with a specific database.

I can't figure out how to implement these dependencies using the Dependency Injection container.

As far as I understand, I can register the Repository service either as a Singleton, or a new instance will be created for each dependency.

But, I only need two repositories, Repository ("DB1") and Repository ("DB2"), and when creating a service instance, I should be able to choose which database to work with. That is, as an option-Service1(Repository ("DB1")), Service2 (Repository ("DB1")), Service1 (Repository ("DB2")).

For example:

public class Program
    static void Main()
        var connectionStringDb1 = "DB1 connection string";
        var connectionStringDb2 = "DB2 connection string";

        var repositoryDb1 = new Repository(connectionStringDb1);
        var repositoryDb2 = new Repository(connectionStringDb2);

        var smsSendService1 = new SmsSendService(repositoryDb1);
        var smsSendService2 = new SmsSendService(repositoryDb2);
        var emailSendService1 = new EmailSendService(repositoryDb1);


        var tasks = new Task[]


public class Repository
    private string _connectionString;
    public Repository(string connectionString)
        _connectionString = connectionString;

    public object GetData()
        // Getting data from the Database
        var data = ...;
        return data;

public class SmsSendService
    private readonly Repository _repository;
    public SmsSendService(Repository repository)
        _repository = repository;

    public Task Run()
        return Task.Run(() =>
            // Sending SMS in a loop
            while (true)
                var data = _repository.GetData();
                // ...

public class EmailSendService
    private readonly Repository _repository;
    public EmailSendService(Repository repository)
        _repository = repository;

    public Task Run()
        return Task.Run(() =>
            // Sending Email in a loop
            while (true)
                var data = _repository.GetData();
                // ...

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