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How do I connect a docker container to tor proxy on local machine?

I want to ping a website from inside my docker container through tor proxy on my local machine. Without setting the proxy, I could not be able to ping. When I run my container with:
sudo docker run --rm -it -p9150:9150 my-container
I got the following error:
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.
I started tor-browser on my localhost:9150 but I can't do port-forwarding when running a container. Also I don't want to use --net=host in command. I added the following line
Environment="ALL_PROXY=socks5://" to /lib/systemd/system/docker.service but it didn't word. Anyone can help me with this? (OS: Ubuntu 20.04)

After a long research I did, I came up to the following steps:

  1. sudo docker pull dperson/torproxy
  2. sudo docker network create tor
  3. sudo docker run --rm -it --name mytor --network tor -p9050:9050 dperson/torproxy
  4. sudo docker run --rm -it --network tor myapp

Inside myapp I have a python script which sends message to my telegram channel through tor socks proxy. I have a network (tor) and both containers see each other through it. In the python script I have the following line:
bot = telegram.Bot(token=token, request=Request(con_pool_size=10, connect_timeout=40, proxy_url='socks5h://mytor:9050'))

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